We’re here for you.
Pastoral Care
What We Do
Pastoral Care Ministries embrace Christ’s mission to serve those who are hospitalized, homebound, frail and aging and those residing in adult care facilities, the bereaved and those facing crisis. We strive to share the love of Christ in ministering to all our parishioners in need.
All of us at St. Pius X recognize how hard it is to lose someone and we are here to assist you in the process of making the Funeral Mass arrangements for your loved one. Once we have a time with the funeral home, our Pastoral Care Coordinator, Linda Green, will reach out to you.
We are also available to assist you in pre-planning a funeral. If you have a loved one that is ill, or perhaps you are pre-planning for yourself, pre-planning will allow things to be less stressful at the time of passing. If you would like to discuss pre-planning, or if you have any other questions, please contact Linda Green at 518-462-1336.

Support Groups
Whether it be hospital visits, delivery of the Eucharist, or other types of support, our Pastoral Care Office wants to help you! To learn more about how we can assist, contact our Pastoral Care Associate, Linda Green at (518) 462-1336 or pastoralcare@stpiusxloudonville.org
Prayer Requests
If someone you know is in need of our prayers, please enter their name(s) in the book located in the gathering area of the church. Our Prayer Group prays weekly for all intentions written in the book and intentions are prayed for at our weekend Masses as well.
You may click on the button below to fill out a request form, and our Prayer Group Minister, Shari Schillinger, will enter the request into the parish prayer book.

Our Babysitting Program takes place at the 10am mass each Sunday for our children ages 18 months – 3 years old in the Fatima Room of the Parish Life Center. All of our babysitters have been background checked and met the requirements of Safe Environment Training.
Click below to register your children today or submit questions about the program!
Crisis Pregnancy?
Pregnant? Worried and Confused?
We’re here to help you.
The Gabriel Project® is a confidential and compassionate outreach for women who are distressed over an unplanned pregnancy and relies on local Catholic parish communities to respond in a loving manner to the needs of the mother-to-be, witnessing to the infinite and healing love of God.
Now, this ministry is available through St. Pius X Church, in Loudonville, NY. For all inquiries and requests for assistance, please call the toll-free number to the left and a trained volunteer will respond.
A trained “Gabriel Angel” from St. Pius X Church will support the woman with friendship, encouragement, and prayer throughout the pregnancy. In addition to providing emotional and spiritual support, the “Gabriel Angel” will help the expectant mother with various practical needs, including finding resources for needs such as:
Pregnancy information and assistance with pre-natal care
Maternity and baby clothes, cribs, strollers, and various baby items
Referrals for housing, medical care and counseling
Parenting support or adoption information
There is no charge for our services and we do not discriminate because of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, or the religious affiliation of those we help.